Ways to Participate


Under the dynamic direction of our Music Director Craig Benner, our choir enriches our 10:00 a.m. worship with song. No special musical background or talent is needed. Craig and the choir welcome all who love to sing.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the altar for our worship services. Working in solo or in pairs, they keep the silver sparkling, the crystal bright and linens immaculate.


Ushers welcome and seat those attending services, present the offering at the altar and tidy up after the service. Members of all ages serve as ushers.


Lectors contribute to our worship services by reading a lesson, leading the Psalm or offering Prayers of the People. Members of all ages participate in this ministry.


Adults and children in grades 4 and up carry the cross in procession and assist at the altar.

Chalice bearers

A Chalice Bearer assists at the altar during the service and offers the wine at the communion rail. Members middle school and above participate in this ministry.

coffee hour hosts

Coffee hour hosts are members of the parish who set out something to drink and something to snack on after the 10 am worship service. Folks can host coffee hour as a family, or pair up with a partner to host. Coffee hour hosts set up the coffee hour, serve the coffee hour, and clean up afterwards.