Solar Panels

As a witness to our call to environmental stewardship, in 2016 Grace Church installed solar panels on the Parish Hall roof. These panels generate all the electricity used in the church and in the rectory, saving a significant amount of kilowatt hours and helping the bottom line of our budget. In addition, Grace church is committed to implementing the suggestions offered through our diocesan environmental audit and seeking new ways to reduce our footprint in God's natural world.


Creation Care

We support the Episcopal Church's work in the call to care for all of creation. Here at Grace, that means we chose sustainable options whenever possible (for example, real coffee cups at coffee hour, not disposable). We recycle at Grace Church: your weekly bulletin, the milk containers at coffee hour, all go into our village recycling program. We also host the Hastings/Stoneledge CSA, more details under the Formation and Engagement/Local Mission tab.